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I started this blog several years ago as somewhere to store the emails I sent to folk back home while on my travels and when it’s wet and rainy at home in the UK, I can recount sunnier times. Also I get the odd friend asking my advice on where to go in certain countries so it’s easy to refer them to a blog post I wrote.

However, after several years I have decided to try and  do a bit of blogging about..anything and everything!  Feel a bit like starting a new diary, filled with excitement but then hesitant as new diaries for me are like New Year resolutions, they rarely make it past the first week!

I’d say I’m quite an eclectic sort and strongly believe that variety is the spice of life so apologies in advance if my blogs do not have a theme running through them.

If you are reading this blog then thanks for stopping by and please feel free to comment!

Big love

Chrissy xxx

2 comments on “About

  1. Inspired by your enthusiasm on Radio Five this morning. I have accumulated (hoarded even!) a lot of ‘stuff’ over the years, old pallets et al. I’m having a ‘career break’ at present, so now I’m motivated ‘to do’. Even better if I can generate some income from an interest. Keen to kick-start life again. Thank you.


    • Ahhhhh glad I’ve inspired you! DO IT!!! Nothing like a shed project to give you a new lease of life, also good timing with summer on it’s way (I hope!). Would love to see a picture of it when you’re done 🙂


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